Come away with me today...
January 27, 2005


Around this time last year, I turned my life upside down. I extracted myself from a situation that had me in an unhappy state. My life then became a bit of a roller coaster. Up and down, up and down, and sometimes up and down at the same time (which is kind of a weird state to be in). During all of that, I saw a lot of live music, spent many evenings at my local pub, went to New York, drove around a good portion of New England, had a short-lived karaoke career, and made some new friends. The one thing I didn't do? Get my hair cut.

I've got an appointment with my stylist tonight. Given that the ends of my hair are pretty frayed, I think she's going to have to hack off quite a bit. I'm a little bit nervous. My long locks have become a bit unruly, but I'm kind of used to them. But getting rid of the dead weight will be a good thing. Just like the change I made a year ago, this should be a change for the better.

But if it does end up a hair disaster, well, that's what hats are for.



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