May 20, 2005

Me, Grandpa, and My Favorite Cousin.

I've tried to do one of those 100 things lists a couple of times, and I never make it to 100. So, in honor of today being my 30th birthday, I present you 30 things...

1. I live 11.5 miles away from the hospital where I was born. This makes me a California Native and a San Jose native.
2. I've also lived in Gilroy, San Francisco, and the Santa Cruz mountains.
3. My parents divorced when I was about 5 years old. They both remarried.
4. This has resulted in 2 older step brothers, 1 half brother, and one brother (that�s 4 total!).
5. When I tell my parents that I�m their favorite daughter, it�s completely accurate.
6. There are only 2 things I will refuse to eat. Mussels, because I�m allergic to them, and bananas, simply because I don�t like them.
7. I will, however, eat banana bread.
8. I've never broken a bone. But I've been in 4 car accidents (injury free).
9. I will not paint my fingernails. But keep my toenails painted a lovely shade of metallic pink.
10. I am completely tattoo free. But have multiple piercings in my ears.
11. Yes, this is my natural hair color. I�ve dyed it twice (not professionally), to enhance the red. Nobody noticed.
12. I discovered my love for cooking at age 20 when I moved into my first apartment.
13. This prompted a serious investigation into attending the California Culinary Academy.
14. I decided to finish the art thing and then see how I felt about it.
15. I don't regret not going to the CCA.
16. I wanted to be a vet when I was little. I also wanted to be a tiger.
17. I have never taken any recreational drugs. I don�t usually tell people this because I think it makes me sound like a prude.
18. I'm not religious at all. But I find religion interesting.
19. I can cluck like a chicken surprisingly well.
20. I've been working since the age of 16. But, I've only had 4 jobs.
21. I've worked at: a pet food/feed supply store, a mushroom farm (part time), a pet food company, and my current job (that�s only 4 jobs in 14 years).
22. I am as white as they come. People often mistake my bare legs for white tights.
23. I always have room for ice cream.
24. I used to use a dumb terminal to chat on local bulletin boards. This was pre-internet. Around 1991-1992.
25. Yeah, I�m kind of a geek.
26. I had the best Labrador retriever mix in the world. He died in 1998 at the age of 9. It still breaks my heart when I think about him.
27. I took 4 years of French (Jr. High and High School). I can understand it pretty well, but I don�t know that I could even form a sentence at this point. I've forgotten most of the vocabulary.
28. I wore red Dr. Marten boots with a green velvet dress to the Senior prom. This was the only high school dance I attended, and it wasn't even at my high school.
29. Seeing the ocean always makes me smile.
30. I was on the news once for about 15 seconds. According to Andy Warhol, I still have 14 minutes and 45 seconds more to be famous.



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.