Down in a Hole
January 18, 2006

Sunset at Seacliff

I'm feeling kind of down, internet.

This is the thing. My job, the one that pays the bills, is kind of not fulfilling at the moment. So it occurred to me, that maybe I should try and promote something else I like doing, like the photography, and see where that goes.

But I have this issue about tooting one's own horn = bad, because it's like bragging. And I seem to remember from childhood that you're not supposed to brag about stuff. Despite those feelings, I decided to try selling prints, and then I opened up another Cafe Press shop, because what the heck.

Since then, I've done more thinking and decided that maybe promoting yourself really isn't such a bad thing, because how else are people going to figure it out unless you tell them? Duh.

But it's hard for me to do, because I'm just not very good at putting myself out there. Also, I've possibly started out doing it the wrong way. Because the selling of the prints and the opening of the other shop? It hasn't gone so well. Maybe I tried the self promotion thing too soon? Or maybe I was expecting results too soon? Or maybe I shouldn't be trying it AT ALL because my stuff simply isn't that good. At a time when so many people own a camera, how are my photos any different than anything else out there?

Hello? Downward spiral? My name's Whitney. Nice to meet you.

I hate to get all 'woe is me' on you, but that's how I'm doing lately. How're you?



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.