Three Things I Like Right Now
June 12, 2007

Homemade Oreos: Close-Up

Things that I really like right now (and maybe you'll want to buy too):

Lemon Squeezer
: Yeah, it's kinda expensive, but it was totally worth it for me. I used to use a lemon reamer and a small strainer placed over a measuring cup. Now, one tool quickly extracts juice (sans seeds) and I get nary a drop of lemon juice on my hands (which can be a literal pain if you have icky dry, cracked hands like mine).

Envirosaxs: I think we may have 4 or 5 of the Trader Joe's $.99 re-usable bags, and I keep them in my car in an attempt to remember to bring them in with me, but I forget all the time anyways. The fact that the Envirosax roll up and I can keep 2 or 3 in my bag and not even notice they're there is awesome and means I don't forget to bring them in the store with me. And the bagger at Nob Hill didn't even flinch when I busted them out before she could ask "paper or plastic". I bought the retro series from and they shipped super fast.

Sally Hansen's Manicure Clean-Up Stick: My old method of nail polish clean up was a q-tip dipped in polish remover. I can't even tell you how much BETTER this clean-up stick works. It makes me so happy! Especially since I'm really loving the whole black nail polish on the toes thing, and messing up with black is pretty darn obvious.

I could have sworn there was one more thing, but I can't remember what it was. Three is a good number though, don't you think?



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.