June 22, 2007

Parasol, Pair

The fact that I haven't been knitting much lately is probably painfully obvious. I did some marathon gift knitting at the end of last year, and my wrists have been sort of shot since then. This isn't to say I haven't been THINKING about knitting. I ordered some Stephanie Japel patterns that I've been dying to try out, but I've got a couple of projects I want to finish first. And with the icky wrists it's been slow going.

So it's not that I'm NOT knitting, I'm just not knitting very fast these days. But when word about Ravelry started going around, I immediately signed up on the waiting list. It sounded like exactly the thing I needed for some motivation.

This morning, I was pleasantly surprised to find a Ravelry invitation in my in-box. I've spent the past 3 hours adding my projects to the site, and oh my. It is teh awesome. It's really easy to add projects, and corresponding photos. You can search for info about patterns and yarns, check out current knit-alongs, and see who else is working on the same projects as you. I think it's still in beta, but I'm really impressed so far.

While it may not motivate me to knit any faster, it certainly has motivated me to take more photos of the stuff I've finished in the past few years, and the "in progress" projects that are still on the needles. So even if I'm not knitting this weekend, I'll at least be taking photos of knitting, and that's sort of a step in the right direction...



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