Cupcakes and Cydwoqs
August 07, 2007

Cydwoq Update, with Begonia

I have an excuse! Two excuses, actually: four dozen cupcakes and helping with a 30th birthday party for C. That's the reason it's taken me so long to tell you about my beloved shoes, the Cydwoq Update.

The story surrounding them is, sadly, not that interesting. Girl finds shoes she loves (but doesn't purchase). Girl visits shoes repeatedly and even tries a pair on (still does not purchase). Girl notices that particular style of shoes is probably not being made anymore (panic!). Girl finds shop on the internet which is selling shoes, and FINALLY buys a pair.

I suppose the only peculiar thing about that "story" is that it spans about 3 years.

What's so special about them? Cydwoq shoes are hand made in Burbank, California. After coming across them the first time, I wrote the name down, and couldn't find that much info on them. Now they're a bit more well known, but I think still only sold in boutique type stores. They make many different styles (for men and women) but this is the only one that I've felt I HAD TO HAVE. Since I finally own a pair, I'm happy to tell you that they're very well made, and surprisingly comfortable.

I was worried that once I actually owned them, I wouldn't wear them (as is the fate of shoes, occasionally). However, I'm happy to report that I wear my Cydwoq Updates on a pretty regular basis. In fact, I'm wearing them today.

As this shoe thing is not going as well as I'd hoped, I think next time I'll have to tell you about the aforementioned cupcakes (which a co-worker has reviewed as "the best cupcake I have ever eaten"). Stay tuned.

(another photo of the beloved shoes is here.)



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