Gone Camping, Almost
August 23, 2007


As much as I would love to tell you that I have a flash card full of photos from camping, I do not. I didn't take any, because we didn't end up camping.

We left home around noon on Friday, and managed to make it to the outside edge of Yosemite (we had to drive through to get to our final destination). By this time, something in the boyfriend's car was beeping (oil light? engine light?), and there was an abnormal noise coming from under the hood. We stopped at a little market on the side of the road and discussed our options. Keep going and see if we make it? Keep going and get stranded in Yosemite (with no tent and no food - we were going to be staying in a cabin). Turn around and hopefully make it home?

After some deliberation, we ended up with option C. We made it home in one piece, and decided we'd use our Monday vacation day to take his car over to our favorite mechanic in Santa Cruz. We spent all day over there and went out to breakfast, walked along West Cliff, went to Neary Lagoon, went to a movie, went out to a lovely dinner, and then took a walk along the beach before heading home. Not a bad way to spend a Monday if you ask me. I even managed to take a few pictures.

As for the car, it needed a new oil pump (must have been the oil light that was beeping). Now that it's been fixed, the boyfriend is all ready to head back up to June Lake and go camping this coming weekend. As much as I'd love to go with, I think I'll leave the long car ride and the hot weather all to him (also, I can't take any more time off of work). I think I'll do more good staying at home. At least then I can have some cupcakes waiting for him when he returns.



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.