Annnnd We're Back...
November 17, 2009

I Scream...

Okay, as I suspected, Disqus wasn't working because I needed to upgrade Movable Type. Which I didn't really want to do but kind of needed to do.

So I attempted to do this last night. And it didn't really work. I read the instructions (I swear!), but I didn't read them in the right order, but I thought I was still okay (not so much). Instead of staying up all night, I decided to just leave it. I would deal with it later. The site was still up, I just couldn't post to it.

So I just got home, and managed to figure out what I did wrong, and then lo and behold! Everything installed and upgraded and now I've got this nifty new dashboard (which is slick and scary at the same time) for writing and maintaining blog entries.

So the comments are back (for all 3 of you that actually leave them). I'm still not sure if I want to try and keep up with NoBloPoMo. The fact that I've got to figure out how to use my nifty upgraded content management system may actually help motivate me...

(OMG you guys, I just did a preview of my post before publishing and it actually does a web preview thingie! So cool!)



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.