Thanksgiving Eve
November 24, 2010

Takin' the Lightrail to Work

Last night, I happened to call the boyfiance while he was at Trader Joe's and when I found that out, I yelled through the phone, "BUY ICE CREAM!" I think we can get away with serving pecan pie without ice cream tomorrow, but it's nice to have the option.

I also decided to brave BevMo for some beer and fizzy water. I was worried it might be just as bad as the grocery store, but it was totally fine. Just like any other weekend at BevMo. Excpet they were out of DogFish Head IPA, which is #2 on the boyfiance's beer priority list. (Number one on the list is Anchor Steam, but I think his brother can't drink that for some reason, so I tried for #2.) One of the helpful employees recommended another IPA, so I went with that. I'm not a big IPA fan, so I probably won't try it. Hopefully the boys will like it.

So far I've made the butternut squash, kale and cheddar bread pudding and a mashed potato casserole. Tomorrow morning is all about pecan pie and I'm attempting to make gluten free vegetarian gravy. I'll let you know how that goes.

Not totally unrelated:
After hearing lots of people recommend eShakti, I finally ordered a dress. It arrived today, and I am overwhelmed by how well it fits. I'm so excited to wear it tomorrow! I'll tell you more about the dress later, too.

Right now, I think I might go sit down and have a beer.



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.