Wishful Thinking
November 15, 2011

The Bay

I wish:

  • There were more hours in a day, or I could press "pause" when needed...
  • I could get the cats to behave...
  • I had remembered not to order cheese on those nachos...
  • The possibility that I might also have a dairy issue isn't true...
  • My hair would grow just a little bit faster...
  • That print rolled up in a tube next to my desk could go frame itself...
  • Instagram would just make an Android app already. Seriously. What's the hold up?
  • That writing a blog post every day was as easy as it was for me ten years ago (quality over quantity?)
  • I could get a solid eight hours of sleep (no cats or anything else waking me up)...
  • A plate of gluten-free onion rings would materialize in front of me right now...



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