Happy Birthday and Happy New Year!
January 01, 2014


This blog turned 13 years old yesterday. THIRTEEN! It's a teenager! It's growing up so fast!

Yet, in 2013, I posted so infrequently that I feel a little bad even calling this a blog. I have a lot of thoughts and things I could say about the state of blogging today, but I really don't want to blather on about that. I think last year I made a slightly unconscious decision to experience life, and not necessarily sit down and write about it. I also think that being on Instagram and Pinterest has become a quickie substitute for posting to the blog. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

Also, my life and the internet have evolved so much since I started writing here, but I haven't been good about updating this space along with that evolution. I'd like to change that, I just haven't figured out how...yet.

And since 2013 just ended and I haven't blogged much, the least I can do is give you a list of things that I never managed to write about here.

Things that happened but never made it to the blog:

  • the purchase of plane tickets and planning our belated honeymoon trip to Europe (I recapped the trip itself, but not the process we went through to get there)
  • the development of an obsession with iPhone cases - I've bought more cases for my current phone than I have for any cell phone I've owned previously (there's just SO MANY to choose from)
  • the plantar fasciitis that took over my right foot for the first half of the year, but has since been treated and is pretty much gone
  • the continuation of my weight loss "journey" (I lost another 20 lbs in 2013, which makes for a loss of about 45 pounds in 2 years, though I'm sure I gained back 5 or 6 lbs this past week)
  • the attendance of various concerts/shows - Florence and the Machine, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Depeche Mode, So You Think You Can Dance, Live! (I'm not even kidding about that last one)
  • trying some new restaurants - Tacolicious, Asian Box, Blue Line Pizza, Tin Pot Creamery, Pieology - some of these are very gluten-free friendly and really deserve to be blogged about

Things that I actually tried to start posting about but never really followed through with:

  • cooking food for my lunch from various Pinterest recipes - I managed to post once or twice about recipe I tried but that was it. I'm now trying to post recipes I try to the UGC Google+ page.
  • taking photo of my shoes almost daily - my Instagram feed is full of shoe photos, and I had mentioned trying to post them here every once in a while, but only managed to do it a couple of times

I don't want to set myself up for failure in the new year, but I'm hoping to try and post at least a little bit more in 2014. I've just got to figure out where I'm going with this little blog.

Thanks to everyone still reading for sticking it out all this time! It means a lot to know there are still a few of you hanging in there. Here's to a happy new year!



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.