Fungus Among Us
December 07, 2005

Fairytale Mushroom

For the daily commute, it is preferable to carpool with the boyfriend. I like the company, and it's a bit more economical and air friendly than both of us driving. However, the end of the semester is approaching, which is starting to alter our weekly routine a tad. Last week, there were a couple of days where I drove by myself, and I found myself singing (I use this term loosely) along to the tunes on my iPod. In fact, I started forwarding through 'shuffle' in order to find more songs I love to sing (tunes by Neko Case and PJ Harvey, if you must know). I forgot how therapeutic it can be to sing at the top of your lungs.

The mushroom in the photo above? I found it in our front yard. Having exhausted almost all other photo opportunities around the house, I can't tell you how excited I was to find something new and interesting to snap pictures of. We looked it up on the interweb, and determined that it's toxic, so we're just going to let it live in the front yard and be pretty. Maybe a gnome will move in.

While checking the many weather widgets on my desktop, I discovered that it's a rather chilly 27 degrees in Austin right now. Um, that's COLD. But I think I'd prefer that over 90+ degrees and humidity. Though I've been told that by the time I get there next week, it could be 80 degrees again. I seriously don't know how you Austin people deal with that. It's not like we really have seasons in California either, but still.

I'm freaking out a little bit less about the holiday shopping. I've made a list, and I've actually covered off a fair amount, so it feels a little less daunting. As long as UPS can deliver everything on time, I think I'll be in pretty good shape. Otherwise, everyone's getting belt buckles from the Austin Airport gift shop!

You think I'm kidding...



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.