November 30, 2007

NoBloShoeMo 2007

We're done! NaBloPoMo is done! NoBloShoeMo is done! Thirty days of "Oh jeebus, what am I going to write about TODAY?" are done. It was a lot harder for me this year than last year.

Of the two monthly challenges, the shoe one was definitely easier. Don't know what shoes to wear tomorrow? Buy a new pair! Which is silly because I definitely have enough shoes to cover 30 days without any repeats. But any excuse to buy new shoes, ya know?

It just so happens that we have tickets to go see Iron and Wine tonight, which I think is the perfect way to end the week. Heck, it's the perfect way to end the MONTH. Whew.



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.