The One Where I Go All Britney Spears on Your Ass
August 03, 2009

All-Star Rainbow

Curiosity got the best of me.

I know I was all "I'm not ready to shave my head!" and when I was writing that, I probably wasn't. Of course, I kept THINKING about it. And then I had an awful hair day where I had to get creative with some little hair clips (which kept the offending hair off of my face but looked kind of wonky), and then got complemented on the resulting hair style and I kind of lost it. Because the LAST thing you want to hear after you've attempted to clip your hair up in the only way that looked halfway decent is that it LOOKS GOOD. (Perhaps I might have overreacted a little bit.)

So I didn't exactly shave my head. I did however get out our set of clippers and realize that there was a 1" guard. The longest guard that came with the set. Which still seemed like a decent amount of hair. I paced around thinking about it, went to my company picnic, came home and deliberated some more, and got some input from the boyfiance (he was sort of encouraging me to go for it).

So I went for it.

I turned the clippers on, turned them off again to think about it one last time, and then off I went. Er, off my hair went. I CUT MY OWN HAIR! WITH CLIPPERS! And it didn't end up looking as bad as I thought. It does require a bit of styling wax, but no hair dryer and no flattening iron! So easy! It is a bit shorter than I had imagined, but I think I'll like it more when it grows out a little bit. The thing is, I've brought in so many photos of people with hair around this length, and my stylist has never been willing to do it. Part of me really just wanted to see what it would look like. The other part of me just wanted to not have to deal with my hair right now, which made me realize that if I really do end up growing my hair out, I need to maybe try it in winter.

Also, my hair stylist? Probably going to kill me. Which is why I won't be going back for a while...



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