July 28, 2010

More Lotus

Things I did on vacation:
A short visit to Seattle where My Mum and I ate lunch at a fab cafe and then had frozen custard (so good! and thanks to Megan for the recommendations!). I ate at all my favorite restaurants in my Mum's 'hood (they've got the best fish and chips place). Helped my parents look up plants to plant in their yard, helped them pick out plants, helped them water plants and then we went to a botanical garden in Vancouver to look at plants. It was a very, uh, plant-y vacation. We did break free form the plant-ness to see a symphony performance, a play, and Toy Story 3 (which we all loved). We also crossed a couple of borders to have dinner with a friend. Photos from the vacation (mostly plant-based) are slowly showing up on flickr.

Things I did after returning from vacation:
I totally won at running errands which involved trips to Ikea (new lamp!), the electronic recycling place, the Goodwill, Whole Foods, and Petco. Then I learned to row a boat. With seven other people. Which was interesting and kind of stressful and not enough fun for me to keep doing it. Which may make me sound like a quitter, but there have been lots of things that I wasn't very good at to start but were still fun enough to keep doing (hula hooping, belly dance). Rowing is not one of those things. But now I'm on the search for a new bike. I haven't been riding my current one because it's heavy and kind of clunky and the boy-fiance has been trying to convince me to get a lighter and faster bike and I finally gave in. I'm trying to test-ride as many as I can (when we bought my last bike it was the only one I tried out), but I think I've narrowed it down to one. Almost.

I also bought a few new camera related things before my trip and plan on reviewing those along with telling you more about the iPad. First, I've got to get over the bike search, which is totally distracting me right now because I want to be able to ride this weekend!



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.