Rolling, Rolling, Rolling
October 29, 2010

Deception Pass Trail

The mysterious case of the car stereo that stopped working? Solved! The mechanic ended up taking it apart and putting it back together and now it works. Magic! I bet it was due to everyone crossing their fingers for me. Thank you!

I don't think I mentioned it but we've been having some issues with Miles and the mirrored closet doors in the new apartment - he thinks there's another cat in those rooms. He's been charging the mirrors and growling at "Other Cat". Though after almost 3 weeks, it looks like he's sort of getting used to his reflection. Just this week, he's started sleeping on the bed with us again and this morning when he charged the mirror it was in a more playful than aggressive manner. Progress!

Now if I can get the finishing touches on the boys' halloween costumes worked out, I'll really be on a roll*!

Happy Friday and Happy Hallowe'en!

* I probably just jinxed myself.



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.