Please to Enjoy Stream of Consciousness
December 21, 2010

Tracy's Tree

I'm kind of in denial about this whole holidays thing. Well, not totally. I've got dinner for Christmas day all planned out. I've pretty much got presents covered. Though nothing is wrapped, and not everything has arrived at my doorstep. We are having guests over, which you would think might make me want to get festive and deck the place out in holiday cheer, but all I've managed to do is hang up some of the holiday cards we've received. I have a lovely little silver tree, but I fear the cats would destroy it along with every ornament attached to it, so it's staying in storage.

And on the "schedule of things that need to get done" currently residing in my head, cleaning the apartment seems to be pretty low on the list. Or attempting to deal with the kitten's litter box that's still in the guest room (we're still locking him up at night and during the day). Or how we're going to feed him separate from Miles while we have actual guests in the guest room (I guess he can eat in our bedroom?)

And the knitting! Oh the knitting I would like to be doing right now. I actually bought yarn for two gifts after Christmas LAST YEAR, but haven't managed to finish one gift (I'm about half way there). Handmade gift FAIL.

And after all this holiday cheer is over, I've got to pack up a suitcase and head up to see my Mum. AND in the middle of that adventure, my blog will be officially turning 10 years old! I want to do something to celebrate but I haven't figured out what. Aside from maybe updating the banner to reflect 10 years of internetting. My favorite posts from the past 10 years? A day of "ask me anything"? (That one scares me a little because I don't think anyone would ask anything.) I don't really do the give away thing, but maybe someone would like to win a print of a photo or something?

And I need to do a post about eShakti because they're awesome, but I feel like I should take a photo of the dress that I love so much to go along with the post and that just hasn't happened (damn short, dark, winter days).

I have no idea why I'm still awake and typing so much. I woke up at 5am and was dealing with the cats running all over the place so I never really went back to sleep. Maybe it was the Red Bull I had earlier...



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.