Show and Tell
March 06, 2011

Favorite Necklaces

That necklace on the left up there? That was one of my gifts from the boy-fiance for Christmas. I really like it a lot. And I guess he noticed, because that one on the right? That was my Valentine's day gift. He's a good egg, that boy fiance.

It may not be totally obvious, but they're both by the same artist. I've admired her work at a local boutique in the bay area (Therapy - they have multiple locations) but I've never been able to figure out the name. The tags on the jewelry are so small, I can't read them from the glass case they live in at Therapy. The gifts from the boy, well, he removed the tags because they had prices on them. The back of the jewelry? Just a line drawing of a bird and the letter "f". So I went to the Google.

I kind of pride myself on my google search abilities. Sometimes it takes the right combination of words to find the result you're looking for, and I think I've got a knack for it. Trying to find the artist of these necklaces? Major fail. I probably spent a couple hours (spread out over a few nights) googling things like "necklace with bird and f on back" and "jewelry sold at therapy stores" and of course turned up all sorts of weird things but never what I was looking for. Then last night, I tried again, and it finally occurred to me to search for the necklaces by material - resin. The first search page turned up someone's wish list and there they were - necklaces by Fernworks!

She's got more than just necklaces, but that seems to be the largest selection. All of her work is inspired by nature, and as a big fan of "naturey crap", I love just about everything she makes (though I'm particularly fond of the blossom designs). I tend not to wear necklaces a lot because I sometimes feel like I'm being choked a little bit, but these are so lightweight, I sometimes forget I'm wearing them. Win!

I was so excited to finally figure out who made my new favorite necklaces, I just had to share!



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.