Fair Ivy and a Clarisonic Update!
November 02, 2011


I ordered a little surprise package from Fair Ivy for the cats last week. It arrived today and included a catnip bone, some cat treats, and a small cat ball (which has been attached to the end of a rope because someone has a bad habit of eating EVERYTHING). The catnip bone seems to be a hit, they're not fighting over it, but they've both taken an interest in it. (I keep hoping one of them will pick it up and carry it around like a dog, but I'm not getting my hopes up.) The cat treats are basically large bonita flakes (natural!), but I haven't opened them yet (I'm pretty sure they'll like them).

Fair Ivy also has surprise packages for dogs and humans, and they seem to send nice stuff. I could see these being fun gift ideas for people who are hard to shop for...you know, like MY CATS.

Clarisonic Update:
I used it last night for the first time, and I applied soap to the brush head, and then used it on my face. The soap then proceeded to run down my forehead and get in my eyes, but I powered through it! This morning's application of the soap to my face and then using the brush went much better. So I've used it twice and I already think my skin is smoother. That's possible, right?



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