Nobody Here But Us Chickens
August 07, 2014

In the Hen House

So, I've been going over my domain bandwidth with this little site, and I think a lot of it has to do with feed readers and things like that. So in an attempt to do something about that, I set up a Feed Burner feed, and then I tweaked some things, and then my feed stopped updating. And in that time, I ended up posting something TWICE. And it's not showing up at all. Well, unless you actually come to the site, which I'm not sure happens that often. (I should check my stats every once in a while, shouldn't I? Or maybe not.)


I think things are back to normal. So I'm putting this here to see if it'll show up in a feed reader. Oh, and I also figured out how to change my bandwidth allotment, so maybe there was no need for all this Feed Burner nonsense in the first place, but let's see what happens, shall we?



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.