The One Where I Complain, Kinda
November 09, 2005


I know I've gone on and on about how much I like living in Santa Cruz. Well here's a little curve ball. Today, I'm going to tell you why it SUCKS.

Monday night, while sipping a cider at the pub, I felt a tingle in my throat. Not really painful, just kind of annoying. Kind of like I swallowed a small wool sock, and it was stuck in my throat. Okay, more than kind of annoying. So I went home and started taking airborne every three hours. I was determined to fight this thing.

I love airborne, I tell everyone about it. My mom swears by it. And I believe that it probably does help, if you take it at the right time. But I missed the mark, I think. I feel like, for lack of a better word, crap. The wool sock is still lodged in my throat, my nose is all sniffly, and I just have that general run-down sick feeling. As much as I would love to race home, hide under a cozy blanket, and watch TV with the evil cat, it's not gonna happen.

My schedule follows T-Bone's schedule, which I'm totally fine with. I love having company when driving in the morning, and his late schedule tonight gives me a chance to hang out with my friends on this side of the hill. But his late schedule (done with class at 10pm, or so) also means we spend the night over here with one of the aforementioned friends, so he can make a 7:30am class Thursday morning and we can get more than 5 hours of sleep. We finally make it back home Thursday night between 10 and 11pm. Normally, it's a perfectly fine schedule. But with an impending cold, it sucks.

I'm going to keep taking airborne, and at least tonight I can curl up on someone else's couch and watch bad reality tv for a while. I'll survive. I'm looking at it as a small reminder that our eventual move back to this side of the hill isn't necessarily a bad thing.



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