Dressed in Black, Again
November 16, 2005


There are many evenings spent with him on the couch, typing away at yet another paper, and me in another spot nearby, knitting needles in hand. What made Monday night different was that we were house-sitting. This particular house was lacking in a stereo, but did have a tv with too many satellite channels to count. I knew that any program on tv might prove too distracting to both of us, so I searched through the channels for music.

First off, how many country music stations do you really need? I mean COME ON. Eventually, I found something that had some potential... 'modern alternative' (or something like that). It listed Radiohead in the description, so I figured it couldn't be that bad. It started with the new Depeche Mode single, and about 3 songs after that I had to change the channel. Apparently not listening to the radio has made my ears too sensitive to the crap they now play on the mainstream airways. Ouch.

I scan the rest of the stations and find something equivalent to 80's modern rock. I can't remember what song was on when I switched the channel, but after about 10 minutes, I was transported. Time traveling back to 1989, when Live 105 was actually GOOD. They'd play Morrissey, The Smiths, Siouxsie, New Order, Depeche Mode, Killing Joke, REM, PIL, The The, and SO much more. I'd call up and request songs on Saturday nights, and spend the rest of the evening, ear to the radio, waiting. They never played my requests, but I remained devoted to the station anyways. Ah, youth.

I spent the rest on Monday night knitting and exclaiming every half hour, "I haven't heard this song in AGES!" It made me so happy.

I only hope I end up with the same happy nostalgic feeling on Friday. Depeche Mode is playing at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, and I'm going. It's been...DEAR GOD, 17 years since I've seen them live. I don't expect to relive the magic that was my second live concert ever, but I do hope they can still put on a rockin' show. I may even wear an all black ensemble for the occasion.



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.