I'm saving up stories...
October 29, 2007

Glowing Skull

If you're in San Francisco on Wednesday (aka Hallowe'en), you should stop by the Candy Store for some treats! They'll have their candy cart out in front between 2pm and 6pm. They're super nice and they have some of the best candy in town, which is why I keep mentioning them.

I spent the end of last week in Austin for a work related event, but also had the good fortune of attending a Latin themed Hallowe'en party with my fabulous friend T. I've put a small set of photos from the evening up on flickr.

I have more to tell you, but it's late, and I'm also trying to save up some tidbits for NaBloPoMo. So you'll have to wait to hear about my cockroach encounter until next month. Which is only a few days away...



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.