Pants Aren't Really That Bad
November 15, 2007


Oh Target, you are truly a place of comfort and joy, but I've got a bone to pick with you. I wore a pair of your Merona brand tights today and they barely made it through lunch. I thought I could deal with them not staying up that well, but when I went to adjust them and ended up with a hole and a subsequent run that went down half my leg, I knew that these were not tights I could buy again. Also, why do you need to package them with a piece of cardboard INSIDE the tights themselves? And why did this piece of cardboard need to be all the way at the bottom of the toe? The removal of this cardboard resulted in a snag which MUST have been the start of the massive run later in the day. Honestly, I expected better of you.

And why was I wearing these tights? I found the perfect skirt. Which I'm sure I've said before. But none of the previous skirts have had belt loops AND pockets. POCKETS, people! I have NEVER owned work-appropriate skirt with pockets and I'm a little bit too excited about it. In fact, I was so thrilled, that I decided I needed ANOTHER skirt, so I checked the Old Navy website and they're COMPLETELY OUT. Not just out of my size, but there's no trace of this skirt AT ALL. I can't even link to it to show you what it looks like! Oh Old Navy, why must you taunt me so? You'd think I'd be happy with just the one skirt, but no. I'll always wish that I could have ordered ONE MORE.

Of course, if I can't find a decent pair of tights to wear with the perfect skirt, then I may not be wearing ANY skirts.



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