Happy-ness All Around
December 31, 2008


I think this is the first time in many years that I've actually remembered my blog birthday. Eight years ago today I started this here little blog, and I'm honestly amazed that I've kept it going this long.

So, happy blogiversary little blog! Here's to many more years. And lets hope I can be a little bit better about updating this coming year. After all this time, I've started to slack a little bit...

Also, happy almost new year! (Well, almost.) I'm up at my Mum's house and we'll be celebrating with some champagne and a few martinis. I think it'll be pretty low key. After all, we're in Bellingham, the City of Subdued Excitement. The thing that's garnered the most excitement so far? We found a square platter for the square gingerbread cake we made. WOOT! (My parents remodeled their kitchen and everything was packed away, so it's been hard to find stuff - normally something like this wouldn't be THAT exciting.)

Here's hoping you have a very happy new year, and let's hope that Fed Ex finally delivers the rest of my Mum's bar stools so we'll all have a place to sit in the kitchen in 2009.



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© Whitney Brandt-Hiatt: All writing, images, and photogrpahy are the property of Whitney Brandt-Hiatt unless otherwise noted.